No. 298 by Musk & Hustle is our version of Tobacco Vanille in our own special blend of pure concentrated oil cologne. It is crafted with only the finest ingredients on earth. Our founder Mark, still blends each 100% unique fragrance in-house right here in U.S.A.
Musk & Hustle crafts super concentrated, pure oil cologne for men. It's more convenient than solid cologne because it won't melt and leak from the container, or get cologne on your fingers and it is SUPER concentrated compared to traditional spray on fragrances.
Employing equal parts nifty science, big brains, and tireless hustle we’ve revolutionized men’s fragrances by creating 100% pure oil cologne that is more concentrated than spray or solid cologne. We craft our fragrances using the finest ingredients on earth. The exact same grade of raw materials, the same origin and composition of essential oils, and the same unique, exotic, and expensive specialty raw materials as the expensive designer spray colognes.
We're proud to say that each and every Musk & Hustle fragrance is our own, original creation blended in-house. We have absolutely no affiliation with the designer brands, or their manufacturers. In fact, we compete directly with the designer brands. Well, sort of. We founded Musk & Hustle to offer a completely new, entirely better fragrance experience compared to the designer brand spray colognes.