Employing equal parts nifty science, big brains, and tireless hustle we’ve revolutionized men’s fragrances by creating 100% pure oil cologne called Nitro Musk that is more concentrated than spray or solid cologne. We craft Nitro Musk using the finest ingredients on earth. The exact same grade of raw materials, the same origin and composition of essential oils, and the same unique, exotic, and expensive specialty raw materials as the expensive, watered down, designer spray colognes.
Nitro Musk is our new, super concentrated, pure oil men's cologne. It's more convenient than solid cologne because it won't melt and leak from the container, or get cologne on your fingers.
Five Original Musk & Hustle creations of Oud Wood, Tobacco Vanille, Grey Veitver, & Ombre Leather 2018, in our Nitro Stubbie, a super convenient 2.5ml roll-on bottle that's made for testing our Original Nitro Musk pure oil fragrances and for daily pocket carry. More concentrated & less mess than spray or solid cologne.
Our Nitro Stubbie is very small, making it perfect for daily pocket carry, or for trying all 72 of our fragrances for men. Each Nitro Stubbie will last a week or longer, even though the total volume of each Nitro Stubbie is equal to the volume of only three sprays of traditional cologne.
We take pride in declaring that every single Original Nitro Musk scent is a unique creation by us. We have no connection whatsoever to the designer labels or their production companies. In reality, we directly rival these designer brands. In a way. Musk & Hustle was established to provide an entirely fresh and superior fragrance experience in comparison to traditional designer colognes.